Best in Children's Books - Vol. 7
The Best in Children's Books was a series of anthologies published by The Doubleday Book Clubs from 1957 to 1961. The volume designation is marked only by a number on the bottom right corner of the title page and on the back flap of the dust jacket.
Each volume contains a mix of fiction and non-fiction, new and old works.
Vol. 7 - 1958
Table of Contents
Hiawatha - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Little Red Riding Hood
The Shire Colt - Zhenya and Jan Gay
The Gallant Tailor - Jakob and Wlhelm Grimm
Doctor Raggedy Andy - adapted from Johnny Gruelle
The Story of the First Men - Donald Culross Peattie
Homemade Orchestra - Joseph Leeming
Life in the Everglades
Robi and Hanni in the Swiss Alps - Emma Brock
Let's Visit Japan