author/editor Schweizer. Jugendbuch-Inst. [Red.: Verena Rutschmann. Adaption française: Anne-Christine Kasser. Trad. ital.: Loredana Gallo. Transl. rumantscha: Annaleta Semadeni] title/subtitle Schweizer Bilderbuch-Illustratoren 1900 - 1980 : Lexikon = Dictionnaire des illustrateurs suisses de livres d'images 1900 - 1980 = Illustratori Svizzeri di libri figurati 1900 - 1980 series/number - publisher Disentis/Muster: Desertina-Verlag year (pages - size) 1983 (L, 231, ill. - 26 cm) book cover farbiges Deckelbild source INT | KVK country Schweiz original, translated by - isbn - cover artist/illustrations {unknown / unbekannt} blurb - note - comments - |
deutsch --- Hardcover
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